In the 9-year period until the SSK Tepecik Hospital, which was established in 1971, passed the status of the Training Hospital in 1980, the internal diseases clinics served with 120 beds under the supervision of specialist physicians, and in 1980, three internal diseases clinics were established. The first clinic chiefs, the late Dr. Fuat Beritan (Chief of the Internal Medicine Clinic between 1980 and 1984), the late Dr. Ferruh Üstün (Chief of Internal Medicine Clinic between 1980-1990) and the late Dr. Coşkun Yavuzgil (as Chief of Internal Medicine Clinic between 1980 and 2002) took part in the establishment of internal medicine clinics. Dr. Dr. Fuat Beritan retired in 1984. Ziya Günal (1984 - 2001) III. He served as Internal Medicine Clinic Chief. Dr. On the retirement of Ferruh Üstün, Dr. Bülent Gürcan II. He served as Chief of Internal Medicine Clinic. During this period, Dr. With the effort of Ferruh Üstün, İzmir's second hemodialysis center and internal diseases intensive care unit, Dr. Ziya Günal and Dr. With the efforts of Coşkun Yavuzgil (in 1989), coronary intensive care unit was established.
In 2005, the hospital attached to the Ministry of Health and the Republic of Turkey in 2008. III. Internal Medicine Service was closed and I. and II. Internal Medicine Clinics have continued until today by continuing assistant training, patient care and treatment services.
Clinic deputy duties of internal medicine education clinics. Bahri Asutay (1983 - 1989), Dr. Bülent Gürcan (1980 –1986), Dr. Kamil Gürsoy (1984 - 2005), Dr. Rıza Kargın (1987 - 1991), Dr. Kemal Başak (1987 –2007) and Dr. Mert Özbakkaloğlu (2001 - 2010) carried out. Dr. Mert Özbakkaloğlu acted as the chief of Internal Medicine Clinic until July 2, 2010, when he retired.
Dr. Dr. Mert Özbakkaloğlu in 2010, after his retirement until April 2013, Internal Medicine Clinic Chief of the Izmir Training and Research Hospital Internal Medicine Clinic Chief Dr.. Gülten Sop conducted by proxy. He was appointed to Tepecik Training and Research Hospital Internal Medicine Clinic in April 2013 as a Training Officer. Harun Akar is the Internal Medicine Clinic Training and Administrative Officer. The clinic works with a teaching assistant, a chief assistant, eight internal medicine specialists, twenty assistants, twenty-five Nurse staff. Tepecik Training and Research Hospital Internal Medicine Clinic is one of the few general internal medicine training clinics in our country, and patients and diseases are approached as a whole and systematically. This general systematic approach contributes positively to patient follow-up and assistant training. At the end of the training period of Internal Diseases assistants, it is aimed to become a competent in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic diseases and a planner in the management of the disease. Internal Medicine Minor Clinics help as consultant when needed. Since Tepecik Training Research Hospital is a regional hospital, the Internal Medicine Clinic receives a large number of referrals and strives to provide quality service. Internal Medicine Clinic, 64-bed Internal Medicine I and II Services on the 5th floor, 12-floor Internal Medicine Service on the 4th floor, Palliative Care Internal Diseases unit (5 rooms), 8-bed Internal Medicine Intensive Care Unit, Internal Medicine 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3D Polyclinics (6 Polyclinics) serve as the Internal Medicine Polyclinic of Maternity Hospital. Tepecik Training and Research Hospital Palliative Care Center Internal Diseases Unit has five rooms. Suat Seren Chest Diseases and Surgery Training and Research Hospital started to serve on the 2nd floor of Block C, and the first patient was admitted to this unit on 12 June 2013. The main principle of palliative care is to try to eliminate the symptoms, and in the course of any chronic disease, early palliation is targeted predominantly because it can be applied concurrently with life-length treatments.