Tepecik Training and Research Hospital Neonatology Clinic was founded as the first clinic of our hospital providing fellowship training with the leadership of Associated Professor Esra Arun Özer as the Chief of Neonatology. With the first neonatology residents entering for training in 2009, Tepecik Training and Research Hospital has trained a total of 9 neonatologists until today. Professor M. Mansur Tatlı has worked as Education Supervisor for three years after the medical hospital usage agreement with İzmir Kâtip Çelebi University. During this period, Associated Professor Esra Arun Özer worked as Administrative Supervisor. After the departure of Esra Arun Özer, while this duty was carried out by Associated Professor Melek Akar, Associated Professor Mehmet Helvacı served as the Education Supervisor. Currently, Associated Professor Mehmet Yekta Öncel is the Education Supervisor of our neonatology clinic, and Associated Professor Defne Engür serves as the Administrative Supervisor.
In our neonatology clinic, there are totally eight neonatologists, including three Associated professors, seven pediatricians and one neonatology resident. In addition, a total of 77 nurses are employed in our neonatology clinic, 46 in the 4th and 3rd level neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) in Tepecik Training and Research Hospital and 31 in the 2nd level NICU located in the Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinics Building.
Due to the presence of the largest Gynecology and Obstetrics and Perinatology Clinics in the Aegean region, where approximately 10000 live births take place annually, babies are referred from external centers and especially babies born in our hospital from complicated pregnancies are generally hospitalized in our NICU. Noninvasive ventilation, conventional and high-frequency ventilation, nitric oxide treatment, hypothermia treatment, NIRS and aEEG monitoring can be performed in our unit which is designed as levels III and IV. In addition, bedside ultrasonography and echocardiography examinations are available. Also, all pediatric divisions and surgical departments can be consulted when necessary.
Neonatology Outpatient Clinic serves to the babies between 0-28 days in the Tepecik Training and Research Hospital five days in a week. In addition, “Breastfeeding Counseling and Relaxation Outpatient Clinic” serves as an outpatient clinic of our unit in the Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinics Building. In this outpatient clinic, our experienced breastfeeding consultants helps to the mothers to increase breast milk, to fix breast care and problems, to educate about milking, storage and storage of breast milk and to eliminate common problems in breastfeeding.
Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) Courses and Breast Milk and Breastfeeding Counseling Trainings are provided by our education staff at regular intervals. In addition, our clinic is one of the Training Centers of the Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing Certificate Program of the Ministry of Health.
Staff of the Unit
Mehmet Yekta Öncel,Assoc Prof, M.D.
Defne Engür, Assoc Prof, M.D.
Melek Akar, Assoc Prof, M.D.
Sümer Sütçüoğlu, M.D.
Deniz Gönülal, M.D.
Meltem Koyuncu Arslan, M.D.
Özgün Uygur, M.D.
Fırat Ergin, M.D.
Hüseyin Üstün, M.D. (Neonatology resident)
Türkan Boztepe Tonbul (Chief Nurse)
Ebru Yıldırım Birol (Chief Nurse)