Tepecik Training and Research Hospital Hematology Unit provides service with a capacity of 6 beds in the Internal Medicine Minor Service together with a separate 4-bed service. Treatments of severe hematological diseases such as leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, myelodysplastic syndrome are successfully applied. Our chemotherapy unit serves outpatients in our Bornova annex. With apheresis technology, both hematological and non-hematological immune-based diseases are treated with plasmapheresis with our trained nurses Şeyma Hızarcı and Ayşe Akalın Değer. Outpatient clinic service is provided every day of the week, and it is possible to follow up chronic leukemias, myeloproliferative diseases, hemophilia patients, and follow-up with immune thrombocytopenia and smart drugs. Assoc. Dr. Cengiz Ceylan, Uzm. Dr. Aybüke Olgun is working as hematology doctors, and medical care of hematology patients was provided by Internal Medicine Minor Service Responsible Nurse Seryan Karabulut and service nurses. In the future, the bone marrow transplant unit is one of our goals, and associated initiatives have been launched.