General Surgery Intensive Care

In 1971, when Tepecik Training and Research Hospital started to operate, the General Surgery Clinic started its activities. General Surgery Intensive Care Unit in 2014 Under the leadership of Dr. Cengiz Aydın, it was put into service as a second level. Prof. General Surgery Intensive Care Unit, coordinated by Cengiz Aydın, is a unit under the responsibility of general surgery specialist, with close hemodynamic follow up, detailed observation and intervention, and the highest level of care and treatment of patients with vital support needs.

In our unit where 7 surgical intensive care units are being followed, all the invasive / noninvasive monitoring methods required by modern medicine, especially in postoperative care, and high-level equipment and equipment such as intermittent dialysis treatment management are available.

Our intensive care unit has 1 continuous care nurse, 1 nurse nursing nurse, 13 trained nurses, 1 intensive care experienced data entry personnel, 3 clinical support staff in addition, 4 cleaning staff continue to serve uninterruptedly.

7 level intensive care unit equipped with advanced modern equipment and trained nurse staff in accordance with the Ministry of Health criteria, serves an average of 1000 patients annually in the past years.